How to prepare an application?

Find out how to fill in the form properly

Terms and conditions

Make sure
you meet the conditions

If you want to participate in the accelerator, you must meet certain conditions. Our experts will check all the criteria, from which there will be no exceptions. Be sure to read the terms and conditions before you start filling in the form.

A cohesive team

Build a good team

Consider whether you can fully count on the people with whom you want to cooperate. Do they share your point of view? What do they bring to the project? How useful will their perspective and experience be in filling in the form?

Know your target audience

Know your technology recipients
and their needs.

It is very important that your solution meets the needs of your project partners. Find out what they do, think about what specifically you can offer them.

Funding – Support – Advice

Describe your business model

This is a space for you to describe how you see your product. Answer some questions for yourself.

  • What are the different target groups you want to reach?
  • How will you build a relationship with them and what channels will you use to reach them?
  • What unique values do you offer them?
  • What will you do to monetise the product?
  • What resources do you need?
  • Who are the key partners?
  • What are the biggest costs associated with your business model?

Who are you?

Tell us something about yourself

There is a reason why some empty spaces in the form have indicated character limits. Make good use of this space to accurately describe the issue that is important for us.


Keep your finger on the pulse

Follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn to always stay up to date. Stick to deadlines, plan your time to fill in the form well and in advance.

Contact us

Do you have any doubts? Do not hesitate to contact us

Remember that you cannot withdraw a form you have already sent. If there is anything you would like to ask us, simply call us or send us an e-mail. We will be happy to talk to you and advise you on how to deal with your problem.

Contact us

+48 505 820 079

+48 61 643 51 58
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